​"Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning". Fred Rogers
Beginning Preschool and Toddler Program, building B
Bright Beginnings Classroom
Program Highlights:
* Discovery - Children learn through sensory experiences, cognitive exercises, and language and motor skills. Blocks, books, puzzles, manipulatives, play dough, water tables etc.
* Instilling Confidence - Discover the answer to a toddlers favorite question… Why and Where?
* Developmentally Appropropriate Environment - Strength in gross and fine motor skills and opportunities for outdoor climbing, running and jumping.
Small Wonders Classroom
Program Highlights:
* Social Growth –Learning to play and share with each other in the home center, during table top activities, building with blocks or in the sand box are just a few fun ways we learn to build relationships and make friends
* Curriculum - A child-centered environment with a wide range of developmentally appropriate activities providing a balance of indoor/outdoor, quiet/active, small/large groups and child/teacher initiated activities.
* Get Set for Potty Training- Although children potty train at their own pace, you and your child's teacher will work together to provide the best environment for success.
Early Years Classroom
Program Highlights:
* Social Growth - Sharing cooperatively and taking turns teaches the importance of being a team player.
* Curriculum: A monthly theme exposes the children to the world around them, and a wide range of hands-on developmentally appropriate materials and activities are available on a daily basis to help children of all abilities to learn and play. Abundant time is provided for the children to interact with one another and use of the provided materials such as puzzles, all art mediums, books, dramatic play center, blocks, and manipulatives to play and explore which is essential to childhood development.
* Music and Movement – A vast array of songs and finger plays, music, and instruments, to get the children moving and learning.

Preschool Program, building C

Early Years Classroom
Program Highlights:
* Learning Centers- Dramatic play, math, science, art, books, writing, blocks and manipulative provide opportunities to balance both shared and independent learning experiences and promoting good work habits.
* Group Time- Learning to sit in a group and be introduced to our monthly theme, colors, shapes, numbers, weather, calendar and stories.
* Confidence- Explore, learn, seek friendships and socialize in a safe and nurturing environment.
* Fostering Self-Reliance- Providing opportunities for your child to develop self-confidence and practice decision-making in each center.
* Gross Motor Skills- Fitness and exploration in our outdoor environment. Through music and movement your child will dance, jump and experience all forms of creative movement.
* Fine Motor Skills - Building the muscle strength required to begin drawing, writing, and manipulating small objects such as buttons and snaps.
PreK classrooms (2 classrooms)
Program Highlights
* Learning Centers – A large selection of learning materials in each area of writing, all forms of art media, reading, cooking, building, manipulatives, science, math games and dramatic play.
* Group Time – Introduction to the Wonders Program monthly theme and concepts, building a stronger vocabulary through the calendar, weather, letters and sounds, stories, learning to take turns, sharing and interact in a large and small group setting.
* Self Confidence – The environment is set up for successful learning, promoting good work habits and staying on task. Practice decision-making, seeking and being successful in friendships, problem solving, socializing in a safe and nurturing environment.
* Gross Motor Skills – Unique activities to support physical fitness, coordination and explore our outdoor environment.
* Fine Motor Skills - Targeted activities that build fine motor skils and eye-hand coordination.
*World of Wonders - This is the reading program used by AUSD, we implement the Pre-K Wonders program.
School-Age Program, building A
Serving children PreK - 5th grade
Program Highlights:
* Social/Emotional support - Children at this age are learning to master physical and congnitive skills and are putting energy into developing social relationships with peers and adults. Our teachers are available to help manage and regulate your child's emotional health as they are navigating more complex friendships.
* Homework Help - During this time, your child will have a choice of: a journal topic for writing, a bookshelf full of books to read, or a chance to work on their homework from their elementary school. Our teachers will be available for extra help.
* Center Based Learning - Proving children the opportunity to explore a wide range of developmentally appropriate activities within a warm supportive environment with a balance of activities in the following areas: indoor/outdoor, quiet/active, small/large group, large muscle/small muscle, and child initiated/staff initiated. Our program includes recreational activities, arts & crafts, science, manipulatives, and cooking. These activities encourage a positive self-concept and feelings of worth.
* Transportation - Our program works hand in hand with the Atascadero Unified School District at Monterey Road, San Benito, San Gabriel and Santa Rosa. We transport to school in the mornings and pick up from school in the afternoon. Our teachers drive our school vans, they all have been background-checked and have valid CA driver's licenses and a clean driving record. We do not transport to/from Fine Arts Academy, North County Christian, or Santa Margarita.
* Full Day Care - Provided on AUSD curriculum days, during Spring and Winter Break.
* Summer Camp – This is a fun way to spend the summer with weekly themes and a wide variety of activites each day for your child to enjoy - science, art, crafts, water play, plenty of building and creating, group games, board games, cooking projects, field trips to local parks and the movie theater.